State Enterprise «Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Quality Institute»

State Enterprise «Ukrainian Pharmaceutical Quality Institute» (SE «UPQI») is a state unitarily commercial enterprise that acted in the state medicines quality control sphere in accordance with the law of Ukraine «On Medicinal Products» and other regulatory acts and belongs to the management of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control.

SE «UPQI» provides a wide range of informational, consulting, scientific, technical and educational services in the area of Good Practices (GMP, GDP, GLP, GxP), ensuring the creating and development of quality systems on the enterprises of pharmaceutical industry in Ukraine. Specialists of the SE «UPQI» provided ongoing organizational, technical and professional assistance to the State Service Of Ukraine On Medicines And Drugs Control (SMDS) at all stages of its accession to the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) from 2004 to 2010, which occurred on January, 1, 2011.

SE «UPQI» qualification in the sphere of educational process organization and conducting for pharmaceutical industry specialists, specialized assessment of the normative and technical documentation, and also specialized documents expertise and medicines manufacturing inspecting in purpose of compliance with the Good Manufacturing Practice requirements is confirmed by ISO 9001:2018 Certificate.


The main directions of activity:








Address: 7-A Sobornosti Ave, Office 404, Kyiv


Tel.: +38 (050) 440-40-62



