Scammers, posing as SMDC’ employees, are intimidating businesses with inspections and demanding money

Опубліковано 03.08.2020 о 17:15


The State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control has begun to receive information from business entities about suspicious telephone calls allegedly made by SMDC officials. In such conversations, licensees are required to either transfer money to a bank card or to be ready for inspection.

* Please, note that none of the officials of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control made calls to transfer money and has no authority to do so. The State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control do not conduct scheduled inspections (except for the state market surveillance). In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On amendments to certain Ukrainian regulations intended to prevent outbreak and spread of COVID-19” № 530 dated 17.03.2020, the State surveillance (control) authorities are prohibited from carrying out scheduled inspections for the quarantine period.

** Unscheduled inspections: the business entity may be informed in advance in a telephone conversation. We recall, however, that prior to inspection, officials of the state surveillance (control) authority must present to the Head of the business entity, its separate subdivision or its authorized person a certificate (pre-inspection certificate) and official identification and provide the business entity with a copy of a certificate (pre-inspection certificate).

The certificate (pre-inspection certificate) shall include the number and date of the order, list of officials conducting inspection (including officials’ full names, job-positions) and grounds for carrying out inspection.

The officials of the state surveillance (control) authority is not authorized to exercise the state surveillance (control) of a business entity without a certificate (pre-inspection certificate).

!!! Be particularly vigilant regarding suspicious phone calls and remember that scammers can hide behind any name or position. If you receive calls/messages requesting money transfer – do not hesitate to contact law enforcement agencies!

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