Instructions to access online services on licensing have been developed by the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control

Опубліковано 07.05.2020 о 14:20

In order to access online services on licensing on manufacure, import, wholesale and retail trade of medicinal products you may use the web portal of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control. The web portal provides opportunity to apply and track online the state of the following submitted documents:

– license for carrying out activities on manufacture (industrial) of medicinal products;

– license for carrying out activities on import of medicinal products (except for active pharmaceutical ingredients);

– license for carrying out activities on manufacture (production) of medicinal products in pharmacy conditions, wholesale and retail trade in medicinal products.

To access online services on licensing you may use personal account on the portal of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control via the following link

To get more detailed information on how to use the servise you may follow the link:

This instruction provides the following information on how to:

– register on the portal to use opportunities of personal account;

– review licenses on hand and receive system’s messages;

– apply for licensing, including obtaining licenses on trade, starting new sites of economic activities, termination of sites’ activities and termination of license;

– fill in the form on additional information;

– monitor applications and receive messages on the state of consideration and results during the whole license validity period.

*Online-services are relevant to industrial manufacturers, pharmacies, importers and distributors (wholesale trade).

The project has been introduced in partnership with the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control and Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine with support of the Project USAID/UKaid “Transparency and Accountability in Public Administration and Services / TAPAS”. The project has been introduced in collaboration with the East Europe Foundation.

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