The regular meeting of the Presidium of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine was held

Опубліковано 19.07.2022 о 15:58

On July 13, 2022, under the Chairmanship of the President of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine, academician Anatoly Zagorodny a regular meeting of the Presidium of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine was held, where, in particular, the report of the first deputy of the general director for research of the Scientific and Technical Complex (STC) «Institute for Single Crystals» of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kharkiv), corresponding member of the National Academe of Ukraine Valentyn Chebanov «Chemical research for domestic pharmacy as a component of national security» was heard and discussed. According to the speaker, the national security of the country is based primarily on the health of its citizens, that’s why the medical and pharmaceutical industries are its key components, which is clearly demonstrating by both the COVID-19 pandemic and russia’s war against Ukraine. Institutions of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine are actively involved to the scientific and scientific-technological developments in the pharmaceutical field, they are an important part of the Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry and, accordingly, of the national security system.

Deputy Head of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control Volodymyr Korolenko took part in the discussion of this issue, he stressed «The pharmaceutical industry is really important sector of our economy and in many aspects determines, particularly, national security, its defense capability, vital activity of the country and is characterized by a large scientific capacity and requires close intersectoral cooperation. The development of the pharmaceutical industry closely connect to scientific research in different fields of knowledge, technical and technological achievements and innovations.

Undoubtedly, the development of the national pharmaceutical industry is one of the key direction of the economical growth of Ukraine, facilitation of restoration and increase of human capital. Due to the reality of the global development of the pharmaceutical industrial, the issue of the increasing the share of the national product is raised due not only to the production of generic medicines, but also to the transfer of the technologies and bringing of the innovation medicines to the market, which require the active participation of the institutes of the Academy of science in the development of new innovative molecules, active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) and finished dosage forms».

At the end of his speech, he noted that last year the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs control and the National Academy of Science of Ukraine signed a Memorandum of partnership, the main purpose of which is to unite the efforts in the fields of development and implementation of the new quality standards of the medicines to harmonize regulatory and legal framework of Ukraine with the requirements of European Union directives (this is especially relevant now, when we became a candidate for EU membership), as well as the monitoring of the quality to prevent falsification of medicines. «The State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs control notes the high level and complexity of scientific research, which is carrying out by the institutes of the National Academy of Science in the field of pharmaco-oriented chemistry. I am convinced that Ukrainian pharmaceutical industry has all prospects for the innovative development, not least thanks to the institutes of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine» – stressed Volodymyr Korolenko.

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State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control and National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine  signed a Memorandum of Partnership


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