The State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control has launched the process of development of its Anti-corruption program for 2021-2023

Опубліковано 20.01.2021 о 16:37

The future program will define core bases and requirements for corruption prevention, abidance of anti-corruption legislation and will cover every official of the State  Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control, its regional authorities and state enterprises.

The development of the program aims at support of legislation initiatives on development of a new state policy in anti-corruption activity.

The program will also define ways of solving problem issues on prevention and identification of corruption.

Representatives of NGO, pharmaceutical market are invited to provide proposals to the Anti-corruption program of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control for 2021-2023 via the following e-mail  till 01.02.2021.

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