Sales of Medicines based on Declarations on Economic Activity
Опубліковано 06.04.2022 о 14:06State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control receives information concerning the submission to the Ministry of Economic Development of declarations on economic activity related to retail trade in medicines in accordance with the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 18, 2022 No 314 Certain Issues of Ensuring of Economic Activity during Martial Law.
Declaration on retail trade in medicines in accordance with the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution dated March 18, 2022 No 314 Certain issues of Ensuring Economic Activity during Martial Law does not exempt from the obligation to comply with legislative requirements for such activity.
In particular, trade in medicines may be carried out exclusively through pharmacies and may not be carried out through any establishments other than pharmacies and outside of them. A business entity may carry out retail trade in medicines subject to compliance with licensing conditions for a particular activity.
Failure to comply with the requirements of the legislation governing the circulation of medicines may lead to irreparable consequences in the sphere of providing the population with safe and quality medicines, as well as significantly reducing the level of pharmaceutical assistance received by patients and increasing the risk of the distribution of substandard medicines.
Taking into consideration the abovementioned, the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control emphasizes that conducting business activities in retail trade in medicines on the basis of the declaration (Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine Resolution dated 18.03.2022 № 314 Certain issues of Ensuring Economic Activities during Martial Law , Annex 2) is possible only if compliance with the requirements of the legislation, in particular the Law of Ukraine On Medicins, Licensing Conditions and an exhaustive list of requirements for carrying out this type of economic activity.
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