SE «The Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center for Quality of Medicines» (Pharmacopoeial Center)

Опубліковано 01.07.2024 о 13:14

The State Enterprise «Ukrainian Scientific Pharmacopoeial Center for Quality of Medicines» (SE «Pharmacopoeial Center») is the leading scientific institution of Ukraine in the standardization and quality medicines control sphere. Among its main tasks are development, maintenance and publication of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine (SPhU).

SPhU is the state medicines quality standard. One of its main tasks is to prevent low-quality medicines on the Ukrainian market, including imported ones. Pharmaceutical monographs play an important role in this regard, providing significant support for their standardization. Since 2013, Ukraine has been a full (38th) member of the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.). SPhU is developed based on Ph. Eur. taking into account the national specifics of Ukraine. The first edition of the SPhU was published in 2001, and in 2004, 2008, 2009, and 2011, four Supplements to it were issued       (SPhU 1.1 – SPhU 1.4). In 2014-2015, three main volumes of the SPhU 2nd edition were released, and in 2016, 2018, 2020, 2021, and 2023, six Supplements to it were issued (SPhU 2.1 – SPhU 2.6).

The main directions of activity:

  • Development, maintenance, and publication of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine;


  • Development and maintenance of the National System of Pharmacopoeial Reference Standards;


  • Medicines quality control on behalf of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control;


  • Organization and implementation of the Proficiency Testing Program for Quality Control Laboratories of Medicines;


  • Prospective standardization.


Additionally, the Pharmacopoeia Center publishes a peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal Farmacom, which serves as an information forum for the publication of the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine and the dissemination of knowledge in the field of pharmaceutical sciences.


Address: 33 Astronomichna St., Kharkiv, 61085


+38 (099) 180-06-02 – QCL

+38 (099) 180-06-03 – QCL (biol.)

+38 (099) 293-25-83 – Validation and RS

+38 (099) 180-06-04 – HR



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