For attention of the business entities that import medical devices into the territory of Ukraine
Опубліковано 11.08.2022 о 12:18For attention of the business entities that import medical devices into the territory of Ukraine during the declaration of the martial law
As a result of the establishment of conformity assessment processes and the possibility of carrying out works that will ensure the availability of the necessary products on the Ukrainian market with confirmed indicators of safety and effectiveness, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine informs that the letter of the Ministry of Health of February 25, 2022 No. 24-04/5396/2-22 has expired.
Medical devices, active medical devices that are implanted and medical devices for in vitro diagnostics, which were put into circulation in the manner specified in the letter of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine (publications on the website of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control on 01.03.2022 under the heading «Main page/Information and announcements» with the name «For attention of business entities that import medical devices into the territory of Ukraine during the declaration of martial law»), it is allowed to be provided on the market before the expiry of their validity.