Meeting with the Representative of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights in places of detentio

Опубліковано 16.07.2024 о 10:34

The State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control held a meeting with Vitaliі Nikulin, Representative of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights in places of detention, which was joined by the employees of the Secretariat of the Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights.

During the meeting, the participants discussed the issues of strict compliance with the requirements of the Ministry of Health orders: «On Approval of the Rules for Storage and Quality Control of Medicines in Healthcare Facilities»; «On Approval of the Rules for Medicines Utilization and Destruction»; «On Approval of the Procedure for Destruction and Utilization of Humanitarian Assistance by Legal Entities Authorized by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine to Receive Medicines, Medical Devices, Consumables, Medical Equipment, Personal Protective Equipment and Other Goods Necessary for Proper Provision of Healthcare under Martial Law».

The main topic of discussion was preventing the circulation of low-quality medicines in the institutions of the State Criminal Executive Service of Ukraine and, accordingly, preventing their negative impact on human health and life.



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