Memorandum of Cooperation signed with Ukroboronprom State Concern

Опубліковано 10.02.2022 о 14:35

The State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control and the Ukroboronprom State Concern signed a Memorandum of Cooperation on 10 February 2022.

This document is intended to streamline the provision of mutual advice and guidance in the field of circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors and to intensify the exchange of information on violations identified during the implementation of appropriate State supervision measures.

The memorandum is the basis for further development of interaction and cooperation between the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control and the Ukroboronprom State Concern.

For reference. Ukroboronprom State Concern is a strategic manufacturer of weapon and military hardware in Ukraine. The Concern consolidates state unitary enterprises, including state enterprises, in the strategic sectors of the national defense industry, employing about 67,000 highly skilled workers.

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