Official website of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control has been unified!
Опубліковано 12.06.2020 о 19:32Since 01 June 2020 the design of the official website of the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control ( has been unified in accordance with requirements on creation (modernization) of official websites (web portals) of the state executive authorities established by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine as of 04 January 2002 № 3 “On Order on publication of information about activities of the executive authorities”.
12 June 2019 the Governement has adopted the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On amendments to some resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on functioning of the official web-sites of the executive authorities”. Since then the design-code for official websites (web-portals) has been defined for the executive authorities.
It contains unified design requirements for official websites (web-portals) of the executive authorities, including visualization.
Enforcement of the unified design-code of official websites (web-portals) of the executive authorities will optimize use of human, financial and time resources.
Pay attention!
The website is under revision for improvement.
Meanwhile because of termination of cooperation between Microsoft and Internet Explorer the modern websites might be functioning incorrectly while using Internet Explorer.
Thus you are advised to use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera або Edge.
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