PIC/S Sub-Committee on Training meeting has outlined priorities

Опубліковано 12.06.2020 о 13:14

Ccollaboration between the State Service of Ukraine on Medicines and Drugs Control and the Sub-Committee on Training (SCT) of the Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme is continuing despite COVID-19 crisis.

On 10 June 2020 during the XX meeting of the Sub-Committee (teleconference) one of the agenda items was discussion of the events that would enhance activities of the PIC/S and GMP inspectors trainings under pandemic conditions, quarantine regime and displacement restrictions caused by the COVID-19.

Besides, the members of the meeting also considered the PIC/S annual plan of seminars. Thus the virtual seminar «Remote Assessment of GMP Compliance» is scheduled for the end of 2020 for representatives of more than 50 countries with the initiative and support of the Finnish Medicines Agency (FIMEA) – regulatory authority of Finland.

 Participants continue discussion concerning confirming GMP compliance of medicinal products manufacturing and impossibility to conduct onsite inspection. The main purpose of the seminar was discussion of appropriate assessment methodologies and relevant possible problems including potential risks regarding quality of medicinal products.

Members of the PIC/S Sub-Committee on Training (SCT) continue their work remotely.

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